Maria Belotserkovsky



I Desire

I desire to live a life of knowledge and happiness,

and I desire to figure out the meaning of life, and use it to my advantage.

I desire to know whether a life of idiocy is truly worse than one of wisdom,

and I desire to know whether scientists are sincerely happier than the lab animals they test on.

I desire to know the future, but I fear it just the same,

and I desire to know why I can’t wait to grow up even though people tell me that this is the best time of my life.

I desire to know why people make themselves tyrants, when they are mere ants on this earth,

and I desire to know why the president has as much power as congress, even though he is only one man.

I desire to embrace all that this world tries to hide from me,

and I desire to know the minds of those whom I respect, and ignore the minds of those whom I do not.

I desire to know why grown-ups resist playing like children when they really want to,

and I desire to know why people call themselves names, and then get offended when others repeat them.

I desire to know why people believe in luck, and still work so hard,

and I desire to know why "Area 51" workers act so smart when they know that aliens are so far ahead of them.

I desire to know why a gentle man is called a gentleman, and a gentle woman is called a lady,

and I desire to know what a pool has to do with billiards.

I desire to know why when we can’t sleep late, we’re tired, and when we can, we can’t sleep,

and I desire to know why "Mentos" makes you smarter.

I desire to know why some men dread going bald, and others shave their heads,

and I desire to know why the minds of babies born today will develop faster than mine.

I desire to know whether G-d is playing a trick on us, and we are puppets just for His amusement,

and I desire to know whether what I desire to know is a useless riddle that’ll never be answered.

I desire to know whether it’s wrong to wonder.